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Known Pitfalls

This section lists some common pitfalls that you might encounter when setting up or using the quiz archiver plugin.

A job timeouts prior to the configured timeout value

Be aware that there is a configurable job timeout within the Moodle plugin settings (quiz_archiver | job_timeout_min) as well as one within the quiz archive worker service (QUIZ_ARCHIVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC).


Since the shortest timeout always takes precedence, make sure to adjust both timeout settings as required.

The archive worker service cannot access the Moodle instance

If the archive worker service can not access your Moodle instance, you should check the following:

  1. Ensure that the archive worker service is able to resolve the hostname of your Moodle instance.
    • You can test this by running nslookup yourmoodle.tld on the machine that runs the archive worker service.
    • If the lookup fails, check the DNS settings on the machine that runs the archive worker service.
  2. Ensure that the archive worker service is able to reach the machine that runs your Moodle instance.
    • You can test this by running ping yourmoodle.tld on the machine that runs the archive worker service.
    • If the ping fails, check the network and firewall settings on both machines.
  3. Ensure that the archive worker service is able to retrieve a basic web page from your Moodle instance.
    • You can test this by running curl -v https://yourmoodle.tld on the machine that runs the archive worker service.
    • If the curl command fails, check the firewall settings on both machines.

Access to Moodle webservice functions fails

If you get an error message that access to one or more webservice functions is denied, you should check the following:

  1. Ensure that your archive worker service is able to connect to your Moodle instance.
  2. Ensure that webservices and the REST protocol are enabled globally.
  3. Ensure that all required webservice functions are enabled for the quiz_archiver webservice.
  4. Ensure that the quiz_archiver webservice has the rights to download and upload files.
  5. Ensure that the quiz_archiver webservice user has accepted all site policies (e.g., privacy policy).

Upload of the quiz archive fails

If the archive worker is able to create the quiz archive but fails to upload it back to your Moodle, you should check the following:

  1. Ensure you have configured PHP to accept large file uploads. The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings in your php.ini should be set to a value that is large enough to allow the upload of the largest quiz archive file that you expect to be created. Setting it to 512MB is a good starting point.
  2. Ensure that your Moodle is configured to allow large file uploads. $CFG->maxbytes should be set to the same value as PHP upload_max_filesize.
  3. If you are using an ingress webserver and PHP-FPM via FastCGI, ensure that the fastcgi_send_timeout and fastcgi_read_timeout settings are long enough to allow the upload of the largest quiz archive file that you expect. Nginx usually signals this problem by returning a '504 Gateway Time-out' after 60 seconds (default).
  4. Ensure that your antivirus plugin is capable of handling large files. When using ClamAV you can control maximum file sizes by setting MaxFileSize, MaxScanSize, and StreamMaxLength (when using a TCP socket) inside clamd.conf.

Checking the plugin config

If you are unsure whether there is a problem with your plugin configuration, you can check the manual configuration instructions and compare your local config against it.

Manual Configuration