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Quiz Archive Worker Service

This section describes the installation of the quiz archive worker service, that works in conjunction with the quiz_archiver Moodle plugin. It can be installed using multiple ways, though using Docker Compose is recommended.

The quiz archive worker service processes quiz archive jobs in the background. It renders Moodle quiz attempts into PDF files, collects Moodle backups, generates checksums, and packs the final quiz archives before it uploads it back the Moodle instance.

Using the Free Public Demo Service

If you want to try the Quiz Archiver without setting up your own quiz archive service worker, you can use the free public demo worker.


The public archive worker service is running in demo mode. This means that a DEMO MODE watermark will be added to all generated PDFs (see screenshot below), only a limited number of attempts will be exported per archive job, and only placeholder Moodle backups are included.

Setting up your own quiz archive worker service removes these limitations. See below for setup instructions.


The public archive worker service must be able to access your Moodle instance via the internet to work. Local and private Moodle instances will not work with the demo worker.

To use the free public demo worker, you can skip the installation for now and directly proceed to the configuration section. Make sure to specify the following Archive worker URL (1) during configuration:

Archive worker URL

Screenshot: Automatic Configuration Archive Worker URL Screenshot: Demo mode watermark in attempt PDF


Installation using Docker Compose


This is the suggested way of installing the quiz archive worker service 👍

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Create a docker-compose.yml inside a moodle-quiz-archive-worker folder with the following content:
        image: ngandrass/moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest
        container_name: moodle-quiz-archive-worker
        restart: always
          - "8080:8080/tcp"
  3. From inside the moodle-quiz-archive-worker folder, run the application:
    docker compose up

Changing the service port

You can change the port that the quiz archive worker service is exposed on the Docker host by replacing the first port number in the ports argument within the docker-compose.yml file.

Example: Expose the service on port 4242
  - "4242:8080/tcp"

Changing configuration values

You can change all configuration values by setting the respective environment variables inside docker-compose.yml. For more details and all available configuration parameters see Configuration.

Example: Set the log level to DEBUG

Running the application in the background

To run the application in the background, append the -d argument to your command:

docker compose up -d

Removing the application

To remove all created containers, networks and volumes, run the following command from inside the moodle-quiz-archive-worker folder:

docker compose down

Installation using Docker


This is an alternative way of installing the quiz archive worker service using Docker directly.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run a new container:
    docker run -p 8080:8080 ngandrass/moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest

Changing the service port

You can change the host port the application is bound to by changing the first port number in the -p argument of the docker run command.

Example: Expose the service on port 4242
docker run -p 4242:8080 moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest

Changing configuration values

You can change all configuration values by setting the respective environment variables. For more details and all available configuration parameters see Configuration.

Example: Set the log level to DEBUG
docker run -e QUIZ_ARCHIVER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG -p 8080:8080 moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest

Building the image locally

You can also build the Docker image locally by conducting the following steps:

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone the Git repository: git clone
  3. Switch into the repository directory: cd moodle-quiz-archive-worker
  4. Build the Docker image: docker build -t moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest .1
  5. Run a container: docker run -p 8080:8080 moodle-quiz-archive-worker:latest

Manual Installation


This is the most complex way of installing the quiz archive worker service. Please try to use a Docker based installation if possible.

  1. Install Python version >= 3.11
  2. Install Poetry: pip install poetry
  3. Clone the Git repository: git clone
  4. Switch into the repository directory: cd moodle-quiz-archive-worker
  5. Install app dependencies: poetry install
  6. Download Playwright browser binaries: poetry run python -m playwright install chromium
  7. Run the application: poetry run python

Changing configuration values

You can change configuration values by prepending the respective environment variables. For more details and all available configuration parameters see Configuration.

Example: Set the service port to 4242
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_SERVER_PORT=4242 poetry run python


Configuration parameters are located inside and can be overwritten using the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_SERVER_PORT 8080 Port to bind to
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_LOG_LEVEL INFO Logging level. One of the following:
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_QUEUE_SIZE 8 Maximum number of jobs to enqueue
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_HISTORY_SIZE 128 Maximum number of jobs to remember in job history
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_STATUS_REPORTING_INTERVAL_SEC 15 Number of seconds to wait between job progress updates
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC 3600 Maximum number of seconds a single job is allowed to run before it is terminated
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_BACKUP_STATUS_RETRY_SEC 30 Number of seconds to wait between backup status queries
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_DOWNLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES (1024 * 10e6) Maximum number of bytes a generic Moodle file is allowed to have for downloading
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_BACKUP_DOWNLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES (512 * 10e6) Maximum number of bytes Moodle backups are allowed to have
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_QUESTION_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES (128 * 10e6) Maximum number of bytes a question attachment is allowed to have for downloading
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_REPORT_BASE_VIEWPORT_WIDTH 1240 Width of the viewport on attempt rendering in px
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_REPORT_PAGE_MARGIN '5mm' Margin (top, bottom, left, right) of the report PDF pages including unit (mm, cm, in, px)
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_WAIT_FOR_READY_SIGNAL True Whether to wait for the ready signal from the report page JS before generating the export
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_WAIT_FOR_READY_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT_SEC 30 Number of seconds to wait for the ready signal from the report page JS before generating the export
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_CONTINUE_AFTER_READY_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT False Whether to continue with the export if the ready signal was not received in time
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_WAIT_FOR_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT_SEC 30 Number of seconds to wait for the report page to load before aborting the job
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_PREVENT_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN True Whether to supress all redirects to Moodle login pages (/login/*.php) after page load
QUIZ_ARCHIVER_DEMO_MODE False Whether the app is running in demo mode. In demo mode, a watermark will be added to all generated PDFs, only a limited number of attempts will be exported per archive job, and only placeholder Moodle backups are included

Next Steps

After installing both the Moodle plugin and the archive worker service, you need to perform the initial configuration once, to make the plugin work.


  1. The . at the end of the docker build command must be part of the command. It specifies the current directory as the build context.